
Hi, I'm Patty and I'm celebrating! Five years ago I was stuck in the city pound. I don't even remember how I got there. Some nice ladies came in and walked me and petted me while I was there. Then one day I got a home! Wow, was I happy! But after a few days my new owners took me back to People For Paws. I really don't know what I did wrong. :(
A few weeks later another family adopted me. But that didn't work out and the man was mean to me. He even hit me. So, one of the ladies with People For Paws took me home as a foster dog. It was great because I had a big Labrador friend named Gypsy, good food, a soft bed, and treats! Oh, and the back yard was fenced and I could run and run.
The lady tried to find me a home, but not too hard! I could tell she liked me! She called me sweet names and hugged me. Anyway, the nice lady decided to keep me! Now I have a home forever and ever!! :) I've been here 5 whole years! Gosh, I'm so lucky!